Show info tips - tick this box to confirm that you want to read the tips while working with AVS Video Editor.Maximum undo levels - indicate the maximum number of actions that can be cancelled by means of the Undo option.Application - settings that concern all the program.The audio parameters also remain the same. Use original format in media library - this option, checked by default, allows you to preview media files in their original resolution, aspect ratio, frame rate and bitrate.Quality - the quality used to preview your video (can be Low (Fastest), Medium (Default) and High (Slowest)) - you can change it to the lower value if your computer fails to playback the video correctly.Preview - settings of the Preview Area:.This can be convenient if you experience power shutdowns and your work results can be lost if you do not save your project frequently. Enable autosave - mark this option to let the program automatically save the project every set interval of time (hours:minutes:seconds).
If you need to change the project's aspect ratio, please refer to the Changing Project Settings chapter. Set the project's aspect ratio according to the first file - mark this option to let the program keep the aspect ratio of the first video/image file placed to the Timeline for the whole project.If unmarked, you'll see a new empty project at startup. Automatically open last edited project at startup - mark this option to let the program open the last project you edited as soon as the program is launched.Project - settings pertaining to the project:.Here you can set the following parameters: It will be opened to the General tab first: The settings window can be opened using the Edit section of the Top Menu.